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Communities in Bloom

Communities in Bloom

The City of North Bay will be participating in the Population category of the Communities in Bloom National Edition this year.

Communities in Bloom is a Canadian non-profit organization committed to fostering civic pride, environmental responsibility, and beautification through community involvement and an annual national program that challenges communities to enhance green spaces.

Participating in CiB has many benefits including growth in civic pride, positive sense of community, and tangible improvements generated by their efforts are immediately felt.  Communities in Bloom is a community program where everyone wins!

2023 Event

In 2023 the City of North Bay was awarded 5 blooms at the provincial level, scoring an impressive 830 out of 1000 points. The City accepted an invitation to go to the National Communities in Bloom and compete with other communities across Canada in 2024.

Clean Green Beautiful and The City of North Bay extended their heartfelt thanks to all volunteers and sponsors for their invaluable support. To view the complete 2023 North Bay CiB Evaluation Form, visit

Communities in Bloom Advisory Committee

What You Can Do

Pull those weeds, sweep your sidewalk, and pick up litter in neighbourhood green spaces, vacant lots, and local parks.

Spruce up your flowerbeds, baskets and planters. No project is too small!

Any effort towards protecting and conserving the environment will help impress the judges!

Get involved in the beautification and betterment of our community. Join a local horticulture club.

2023 Brag Book

CiB 2023 Profile Book

A profile book that showcases the efforts of the community.

Communities in Bloom 2023

In the 2023 Provincial Edition of Communities in Bloom Ontario, the City of North Bay Received 5 Blooms with a special mention for the North Bay Waterfront.