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You see the results of City decisions every day: in your roads, drinking water, parks and more. Provide your input—together we can build a better city.
The City of North Bay is developing a Road Safety Strategy to establish goals, guidelines, and initiatives to help make North Bay’s streets and sidewalks even safer.
Information about the City of North Bay 2024 Budget.
The City of North Bay must make sure that our Official Plan policies are well aligned with provincial plans and policy.
The Corporation of the City of North Bay is proposing to improve Lakeshore Drive and Pinewood Park Drive from Ferris Drive to the City’s southern urban boundary limits, approximately 1.04 km south of Decaire Road, being a total distance of approximately 3.7 km.
The City of North Bay, North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority and the Municipality of East Ferris are undertaking a Trout Lake Watershed and Management Plan.
A key component of the Downtown Waterfront Master Plan is the revitalization of Main Street, which is the main commercial street within the downtown. Main Street from Cassells Street to Sherbrooke Street and Ferguson Street from Main Street to Oak Street will have an enhanced streetscape treatment to better integrate the downtown with the waterfront.
Installation of sidewalks, including storm sewer improvements, on numerous streets throughout the City.
The Corporation of the City of North Bay has initiated a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Study to evaluate the Premier Road Sewage Pumping Station and Forcemain (SPS) located in front of 904 Premier Road, on the east side of right-of-way across from the Hollywood Street intersection.
Reconstruction of the Seymour Street and Highway 11/17 Intersection.
Ed Seguin & Sons Trucking & Paving Ltd. has been awarded the contract for the rehabilitation and reconstruction of Trout Lake Road from Mountainview Drive to Lees Road
The City of North Bay has awarded Ed Seguin & Sons Trucking & Paving the contract for the reconstruction of Ivanhoe Drive. The project includes the full replacement of the storm sewers, sanitary sewers and watermains and full reconstruction of the roadway with curbs and gutters.
Widening of Algonquin Avenue-Front Street-Jane Street from Copeland Street to McLaren Street including storm sewer rehabilitation; profile milling; excavation and road widening; binder and surface asphalt paving; concrete curb & gutter; concrete sidewalk; reconfigured traffic lights; restoration of all disturbed areas and other ancillary items.
Provide for the complete rehabilitation of Lee’s Road including frost heave construction; full depth reclamation (pulverizing); culvert replacement; binder and surface paving; asphalt gutter with side outlets; Granular A shouldering; ditching; Safence three cable guide system; rip rap installation; erosion and sediment control devices; restoration of all disturbed areas and other ancillary items.
Content for the upcoming all wheel park.
McKeown Avenue is to be widened to four lanes of traffic with two lanes in each direction from Cartier Street to Gormanville Road. The implementation of active transportation facilities a new multi-use path (MUP) in the boulevard on the south side of the road replacing the new concrete sidewalk on the north side.
Each year, we build a budget that balances the need to provide services, facilities, and infrastructure to meet the needs of residents and businesses while working to keep property tax and water and wastewater rate increases at a manageable level.
Installation of a new sewage pumping station and sanitary sewer on Wallace Road.
Reconstruction of Cassells Street between King Street and Highway 11/17.
Advisory Bike Lanes have been added to Memorial Drive. This project was identified in the Active Transportation Master Plan (ATMP) as a Pilot Project to create awareness and serve as an education tool about cycling infrastructure.
This multi-use pathway will run from Gormanville Road along Main Street West and Memorial Drive to the end of the existing Kate Pace Way, connecting the north and south ends of North Bay.
Building on existing programs, the new Growth Community Improvement Plan (GCIP) offers financial incentives to encourage and support certain private-sector housing projects and developments on industrial lands, as well as those within the City’s Downtown and Waterfront areas.
North Bay’s Community Safety and Well-Being Plan (CSWBP) is a coordinated effort to foster a safe, healthy and inclusive community by responding to identified priority risks.
This project upgrades the interior and exterior of the steel standpipe coating system and repairs any structural wearing the standpipe endured since 1982. The project will also upgrade the existing electrical and telecommunications equipment.
The City of North Bay, in partnership with a consultant team lead by Brook McIlroy, undertook a study for the North Bay Downtown Waterfront Master Plan.
Council has authorized Staff to develop regulations for Short-Term Rentals of residential dwelling units.
City of North Bay annual budget 2023