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Municipal Role

The City of North Bay (CNB) has a strong interest in the development of a safe, secure, inclusive, and vibrant community. Although CNB has no direct delivery of the necessary social and human services necessary to address the root causes of complex social issues, there are a number of areas the CNB continues to contribute to community safety and wellbeing.

In addition to championing and fostering the CSWB Plan alongside, and with, our local systems leaders, the entire organization within the City of North Bay is committed to our Municipal role within Community Safety and Well Being. This includes the adoption of the CSWB Plan by our city counsel and the creation of a dedicated senior position to take point, liaise and collaborate with our community partners. Additional examples include:

The CNB Planning and Building Department has been working closely with our housing and homelessness partners (DNSSAB) in the development of affordable and transitional housing strategies required to fulfill the needs of our community. This effective collaboration melds together our planning strategies and municipal expertise with the housing needs that DNSSAB has identified.

Our Public Works, Environmental Services and Parks employees continue to develop, maintain, and augment the miles of trails, our many parks, playgrounds, and local beaches that provide places for our community to relax, picnic, play, walk, blade or swim, a very important contribution to the wellbeing of our residents.

The CNB’s Arts, Culture and Recreation Department in partnership with other volunteer, public and private service providers, contribute to a healthy and inclusive community for all residents through the planning, management and delivery of arts, culture, recreation, and leisure services opportunities.

Public transit is an important link to work, social events and activities for our community. North Bay Transit offers a variety of convenient and accessible travel options to get you where you want to go. Our Transit Department provides a reliable and courteous transportation service in clean, safe and accessible vehicles, recognizing individual passenger needs and requirements, through a regularly scheduled, fixed-route transit system.

Related Information
Brent Kalinowski
Community Safety & Well-Being Coordinator (705) 474-0400 x.2316