If you or your organization would like to be considered for participation in the Arts and Culture Series, participant submissions are being accepted from now until Mar. 21, at 8 a.m. Please click on the submission link at the bottom of the page and complete the form. It is important that you read the Frequently Asked Questions prior to making your submission. A committee will review the submissions and prepare the line-up, which will be announced shortly thereafter.
Activities: It could be a show, an event, a class, a gathering, an installation, a performance, or other formats inviting public participation suitable for a community and family-friendly environment.
Forms of art: All 5 types of art and their derivatives are welcomed (dance, theatre, visual arts, music, literature)
Cultural experiences: The term is left broad to accommodate interpretation. Loosely refers to an activity shared by an identifiable group of people or recognized to be part of a certain cultural or traditional practice. Examples might include things like bocce (a family activity associated with the Italian community) or Yoga.
Types of performances: The term provides an opportunity to explore how the space can be used and opens possibilities beyond performance on a stage.
Organizers: An individual artist, teacher, leader, organization, club, etc.
Organizers will be compensated up to a maximum of $500 per activity. Organizers will be paid in a timely manner following the activity with a direct deposit from the city. You must complete a direct deposit form. This will be mailed to you after your selection to the concert series. Note - any payments above $500 will result in a T4 tax form being issued to the recipient.
There is no gear provided. You will have access to power at the back of the stage.
We should be good neighbours. Maximum sound pressure should not exceed 90 dB. You can download an app to measure this.
Activities in July do not need lights. Activities in August may need lights. You must supply your own lighting if required.
Yes, each date will be assigned to only one organizer. The organizer may coordinate more than one artist, performer, etc. for their activity.
The official activity date is as scheduled. If it is canceled due to weather, attempts to reschedule will be made based on the availability of the organizer and the space booking.
You can load-in at 4:30 pm and prepare for your activity unless an earlier time is negotiated. The activity should start around 7 pm and run until about 9 pm with no intermission. We need 90-120 minutes of activity.
Our goal is to support organizers with the majority of their members living in the North Bay and Nipissing area.
We expect to have 20-30 submissions.
We prefer a professionally established group or individual with a strong following. This means they have an established performance track record, social media, and community presence.
We have limited dates so a selection process must occur. The submission form indicates to us who is interested/available for these dates. Our committee then looks for the best options based on the history of performing or organizing, the proposed activity theme, and technical ability. Then it’s a business decision for the final selection.
Only organizers who have been selected will be contacted
The easiest way to support the program is to attend the Activities. Further, you can help by promoting (likes and shares are best) on social media
Yes, you are welcome to provide sponsorship to the program. Contact City Hall at 705-474-0400 ext 2321 or email bryan.kimber@northbay.ca for a sponsorship package.