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Growth Community Improvement Plan

What is the Growth Community Improvement Plan?

The City's new Growth Community Improvement Plan (GCIP) is designed to help grow and improve the community through targeted city wide programming for housing, industrial, downtown and waterfront projects. 

Community Improvement Plans provide municipalities with tools under the Planning Act and Municipal Act to create opportunity in return for private sector investments and developments which improve the community.

Before applying for GCIP

Planning Services Staff recommend that those interested in applying for the Growth Community Improvement Plan (GCIP) email or call 705-474-0400 ext. 2414 to setup a pre-consultation before applying. Staff will be able to assist potential applicants by discussing how the project might best fit with the parameters of the program. 

Growth CIP Proposed Amendment - Housing Target Area

The City of North Bay is proposing an amendment to the Growth CIP within the Housing Target Area. The proposed amendment would create a new incentive, 'Additional Housing Unit Grant', the proposed incentive would provide successful proponents with a financial incentive to create additional dwelling units or multiple residential units. The proposed financial incentive is proposed to be up to 75% to a maximum of $25,000 to create additional residential units with the urban settlement boundary on municipal services. 

If you have questions on the proposed amendment or would like to discuss your project, please reach out to Adam Curran at or 705-474-0400 ex. 2402. 

Notice Of Public Meeting Growth CIP Housing 'Top-Up Funding'

Expansion of Housing Target Area

The Housing Target Area has now been expanded to the city's entire Settlement Area, as identified in Schedule 1 of the city's Official Plan. Property owners in this area may be eligible to receive financial incentives for development or redevelopment projects that increase the number of residential dwelling units on their properties. 

The program now also offers an enhanced Tax Increment Rebate for units that remain affordable for a period of 20 years. 

For more information, please see the 'Target Area' tab on this webpage and/or contact or call 705-474-0400 ext. 2402.  

Click here to see GCIP projects currently in progress

Growth CIP Projects