A person is entitled to be an elector at an election held in a local municipality (unless prohibited by this Act or any other Act) if, on Voting Day (Monday, October 24, 2022), he or she:
A person's residence is the permanent lodging place to which, whenever absent, he or she intends to return.
The following rules apply in determining a person's residence:
A resident elector is where a person lives, and is eligible to vote in that municipality's election. A person is only allowed to have one residence.
If a person lives in one municipality, but owns or rents property in another municipality, then they are a non-resident elector and able to vote in that municipality's election.
If a person lives in one municipality, and qualifies as a spouse of a non-resident elector, then they are able to vote in that municipality's election.
Persons without a permanent residence may also qualify to be added to the Voters' List during the revision period by submitting an application to the Clerk. If a person has no permanent residence or lodging place, the following rules apply in determining his or her residence:
A person may have residences in two local municipalities at the same time if the person lives in one of the local municipalities in order to attend an education institution, but not with the intention of changing his or her permanent lodging place, and the person's permanent lodging place is in the other local municipality.
This means that students are able to vote in the municipality where they attend school and also in the municipality where they live.
The electoral status for school purposes is shown on the Voters' List. A voter may apply for correction of the List during the revision period (Thursday, September 1, 2022 up to and including Voting Day, Monday October 24, 2022). Therefore, a person may apply to change their school support up to and including Voting Day. Qualifications for and definitions of the categories of school electors are found in the Education Act and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom:
English-language public school board is the default for a voter unless they are qualified to be a separate or French school board supporter.
'Supporter' means which school board the school portion of the property taxes goes to.
If you are an eligible elector, you may appoint another person to vote on your behalf. This person is known as a “Proxy” voter. This person must be a qualified elector and someone you trust (the voters' list will be checked for this purpose). You cannot appoint more than one voting proxy or act as a voting proxy for more than one other person. However, this restriction does not apply if the proxy and the other person are spouses or siblings of each other, parent and child, or grandparent and grandchild.
You may obtain a Form 3 - Appointment of Voting Proxy by calling 705-474-0400 ext. 2510 during normal business hours, Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Box A on the form will be completed at the time you obtain the proxy certificate from the City Clerk. The person you appoint as a proxy must then bring in the proxy certificate with your signature on it, show proof of their identity, and have it certified by the City Clerk at City Hall.
Please note that Election Officials at the voting station will not accept uncertified, faxed or photocopied proxy certificates at the voting place.