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Agencies, Boards & Committees

City Council adopted a Standing Committee structure to assist them in dealing with municipal matters coordinated by the various City Departments. All of Council are members to each Standing Committee.

The 3 Standing Committees are as follows:

General Government

(includes Municipal Budgets)

Community Services

(includes Planning Matters)

Infrastructure & Operations

Chair - Councillor Maggie Horsfield

Vice Chair - Councillor Sara Inch

Chair - Councillor Justine Mallah

Vice Chair - Councillor Mark King

Chair - Councillor Lana Mitchell

Vice Chair - Councillor Chris Mayne





Click a box below to view more info on a specific committee

Citizen Application to a Board, Committee or Commission

The City encourages citizens to participate in their community by volunteering for a position on one of Council's Advisory/Statutory Committees. 

You may apply for appointment to more than one Agency, Board or Committee,  either because you wish to serve on more than one, or to broaden your opportunities for appointment. In either case, you must submit a separate application form for each Agency, Board or Committee. Appointments are on a volunteer basis and no compensation is paid. City Council's Striking Committee will consider all of the applications and make appointments. 

Download Application for Citizen Appointments to Boards, Committees and Commissions