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Presentations to Council

Everyone is welcome to attend open meetings of Council. Those who would like to provide information or express their view on a matter to North Bay Council have the opportunity to pre-register as a presenter at an upcoming Council meeting. Registration is not required for statutory public meetings about development applications such as Zoning By-law and Official Plan amendments. 

If you wish to send comments in writing to Council, information should be sent to the City Clerk at or mailed to:

City Clerk
The Corporation of The City of North Bay
200 McIntyre Street East,
North Bay ON P1B 8V6

Making a request to present to Council

Any member of the public wishing to make a 10 minute presentation to Council must complete the Request Form (pdf) for presentation before council and submit it to the City Clerk either:

If you are unable to print the request form, copies are available at the Clerk’s Office during regular business hours.

Presenters will be contacted (via email/telephone) by the Clerk’s Office to confirm presentation requests.

Important Information about Presenting to Council

The maximum time allocation for a presentation is 10 minutes and the maximum number of presentations per meeting is three, with order and acceptance determined on a first received basis. The maximum number of presenters to address Council per presentation is three (including the spokesperson); and the deadline to submit a request to make a presentation is 4 p.m. on the Friday before the agenda for the meeting is published.


Meeting date: Jan 14  
Agenda Publishing Date: Jan 8  
Presentation Request Deadline: Jan 3 by 4 p.m.

View the Procedural By-Law for more detailed information (Page 20-21) about presentations.

Visual aids and tips

If you intend to use any visual aids, PowerPoint presentations are to be submitted to the Clerk’s Office no later than 10:00 a.m. on the Monday prior to the meeting.


Meeting Date: Jan 14 
Visual Aids Deadline: Jan 13 by 10 a.m.

Please ensure that you follow our PowerPoint Presentation Accessibility Guidelines. City staff will do the set-up for the meeting and distribute a copy to members of Council. Please note that PowerPoint presentations will not be permitted if received late, no exceptions.

Tips on Addressing/Presenting to Council

  • Please wait until the Chair (or Mayor) announces your presentation before going to the podium.
  • Remember to introduce yourself and anyone else who may be accompanying you to the podium.
  • You may be asked to provide your address.
  • Staff will take care of the audio controls for you upon approaching the podium.
  • Address your presentation and answers to questions through the meeting chair (or Mayor). Members of Council may, through the Chair (Mayor), ask you a question following your presentation.
  • No more than 1 person will speak at a time.
  • The use of proper language, speech and decorum will be maintained at all times.
  • The Chair (or Mayor) may ask any person who violates proper decorum to stop presenting and/or leave the meeting.
  • After you have finished presenting and answered questions from Council or Committee members, please return to your seat.
  • You are not required to remain for the entire meeting duration; you may leave after your presentation is finished.
Karen McIsaac, AMCT
City Clerk (705) 474-0400 x.2510
Véronique Hie
Deputy City Clerk 705-474-0626 x 2522