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North Bay Awarded Perfect Five-Bloom Rating

North Bay, ON – Clean Green Beautiful North Bay, in collaboration with the North Bay Communities in Bloom committee and the City of North Bay, proudly announced today that our City has achieved the highest possible rating in its Communities in Bloom evaluation. 

Scoring an impressive 830 out of 1000 points, North Bay has been awarded a five-bloom rating from the Communities in Bloom judges who evaluated the City this past summer.

"I am incredibly proud of our community for this achievement," said Mayor Peter Chirico. "Thank you to Clean Green Beautiful North Bay and the North Bay Communities in Bloom committee for leading this initiative and congratulations to our entire community."

Organizers showcased North Bay to the judges during a two-day tour that included sites such as Canadore Sustainable, the City’s waterfront, community gardens, local businesses, and historic homes. The judges’ visit wrapped up with a Sunset Cruise on the Chief Commanda II.

"We did it! Thank you to everyone in our community for stepping up with litter pickups, tree planting, creating beautiful streetscapes, planting orchards, and much more,” said Hariett Madigan, Chair of Clean Green Beautiful North Bay. “Your volunteer efforts and the support of our generous sponsors 'knocked it out of the park.’ Our slogan was ‘Do your part.’ Well, you did more than your part! Together, we truly are the best community our size in Ontario."

The judges assessed North Bay's performance across six key categories: community appearance, environmental actions, tree management, heritage conservation, landscape, and plant and floral displays.

"This honor is a reminder that we have a great community with people who care. I look forward to building on grassroots-driven success,” said Jamie Lowery, Co-Chair of 2023 North Bay Communities in Bloom committee.

Judges noted that a five-bloom rating is an outstanding achievement, particularly for a first-time entrant such as North Bay. The City, which was evaluated under the 50,000 to 100,000 population category, is now positioned to move up to the national competition level.

“North Bay was exceptional and deserved every mark we gave you!  It was amazing.” said Matt Robertson, Provincial Judge for Communities in Bloom.

With planning underway for North Bay’s centennial celebration in 2025, local organizers are also looking forward to the potential of marking the city's 100-year anniversary with a possible entrance in the competition as national competitors.

“North Bay has achieved five blooms, and therefore you have two choices: 1. Be evaluated in the Provincial Communities in Bloom program in 2024, or 2. Accept an invitation to go to the National Communities in Bloom and compete with other communities across Canada in 2024,” said Communities in Bloom Ontario Chair Martin Quinn. “ I have recommended to the National Communities in Bloom program to invite North Bay to go national as you achieved 5 Blooms."

Clean Green Beautiful and The City of North Bay extended their heartfelt thanks to all volunteers and sponsors for their invaluable support. To view the complete 2023 North Bay CiB Evaluation Form, visit

Communities in Bloom (CiB) is a volunteer and partnership-driven charitable organization that inspires all communities to enhance the quality of life and our environment through people and plants to create community pride. They strive to be a collaborative and inclusive organization where everyone is welcomed, feels comfortable, respected, and valued, and expects the same from the competing cities.
