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Call for Artists

Call for Artist: Bike Locker Vinyl Wrap

The City of North Bay, the North Bay Public Art Advisory Committee (PAAC), and Creative Industries are seeking creative minds to add a splash of artistic flair to our downtown bike lockers!

This call is open to all artists and designers, regardless of experience level, with a strong connection to North Bay. Whether you were born here, currently live here, or have a special tie to the city, we want to hear from you!

What We're Looking For:

  • Digitally created images
  • High-quality photographs
  • Scans of original artwork (printmaking, painting, or drawing)

Submissions must be in digital format and will be used to vinyl wrap our future bike lockers located at the Main Transit Terminal and Shabogesic Beach. A total of five successful submissions will be selected for this project. All-over repeat patterns are encouraged.

The artist is responsible for the design only. Printing and installation will be handled by the City of North Bay.

Don't miss this opportunity to showcase your talent and leave a lasting impression on your community!

Please review this information before completing your application.

Artists are asked to complete the online application form.

If files exceed 14 MB (4 MB per image and 2 MB for CV), artists are asked to email and use an external share program.

To strengthen the prominence of public art within high pedestrian traffic areas, provide an opportunity to recognize local and regional artists, and improve beautification within the City of North Bay.

Selected artists will be paid an artist fee of $700.

Images and artworks selected will be printed and installed on bike lockers throughout downtown. Images may be cropped, if required, to fit the dimensions of the bike locker.

The following checklist must be completed to be considered by the Public Arts Advisory Committee.

Artists will be asked to submit:

  • Create a mock-up of your artwork using the attached template and save it as a JPEG or PNG file
  • Provide a vector file or a high-resolution image (300 DPI) of your artwork
  • In one document, include:
    • Contact information (name, email address, phone number)
    • A short bio including your connection to North Bay (under 100 words)
    • A brief rationale of your inspiration behind the artwork
    • Artist website and/or social media links to be shared on the City of North Bay’s social media platforms if your artwork is selected
  • Include your name on the title of each document (ie: documents: JaneDoeBio; images: JaneDoe1, JaneDoe2)
  • Submit your application by email:
    1. email all documents to or
    2. send your files through Google Drive

How to send your files through Google Drive:

  • Create a portfolio folder in your Google Drive or cloud service titled “your name – Bike Locker Vinyl Wrap”
  • On your folder go to the far right and select the three dots (more actions)
  •  Select share, under the general access switch from “restricted” to “anyone with the link”
  • Select the copy link and hit done
  • Copy the link into an email and send it to

Once your application is submitted, you’ll receive a confirmation email within five business days.

If selected as a successful applicant, you will be required to complete and sign the City of North Bay’s Public Art Advisory Committee’s Art Release form. 

  • Artists and designers with ties to North Bay and the area
  • Must be unique and original work, new or existing artwork is eligible
  • If you submitted artwork for the Traffic Box Initiative, Panel Art project, or Overpass Banner project, please submit a NEW design (duplicate designs will not be accepted)
  • Must not include promotion, branding, or business logos
  • Must not include any vulgar or offensive words or explicit offensive imagery
  • Must consider ways of mitigating graffiti, such as reducing blank space
  • Must be able to produce high-res 300 DPI (dots per inch) digital document via scan, photograph, or digitally produced and placed on the template provided
  • Each artist can submit a maximum limit of (3) pieces of artwork

Employees of the City of North Bay are not eligible.

Proposals will be evaluated by North Bay’s PAAC committee under but not limited to the following criteria:

  • Artistic Merit - artwork exhibits high-quality artistic ability and execution within the project scope
  • Community Impact - generating a positive and strong visual impact on the community/site location
  • Viability - artwork meets technical requirements

Deadline for submissions: Aug. 30, 2024, by 4:30 p.m.

Successful applicants will be contacted by: Sept 30, 2024

Please direct any questions to the Public Art Advisory Committee (PAAC):

Artists are asked to complete the following application form. 

Katie Fabbro
Culture and Recreation Programmer Intern 705-474-0400 ext 2337