The City of North Bay, in cooperation with local community groups, has experienced considerable success in hosting a wide range of cultural events, conferences, meetings, sporting activities, and special events at various levels. The City continues to support events on an ongoing basis through the existence and availability of facilities and infrastructure. These events individually, and more noticeably collectively, provide a significant impact on the community and offer the opportunity to showcase and promote the many positive attributes of our City.
These events and tournaments are organized and run by dedicated volunteer groups with the assistance of city resources and facilities as required.
The primary purpose of establishing the Event Hosting Program for Private Sector Events is to assist local businesses in their ongoing efforts to outreach into the community, by providing financial assistance to them in hosting special events, which, in turn, will generally:
Individuals, organizations, or businesses may submit the completed Event Hosting Program for Private Sector Application in person to the City of North Bay’s Arts, Culture & Recreation Department, 2nd Floor, City Hall or by email to
Deadline: Friday December 13, 2024 by 4:30pm (any applications received after this date will only be processed if there are remaining program funds).
With numerous competing priorities and limited resources, the Event Hosting Program for Profit Events provides a transparent process to evaluate applications with the focus of maximizing community impact, by providing local businesses with outreach into the community.
A Review Committee, consisting of representatives from Tourism North Bay, Community Development & Growth Department, and the North Bay & District Chamber of Commerce will evaluate each application and make a decision as to approve or decline based on the scoring outcome.
The application will be evaluated using a rate card which will determine the impact of the event on the community. This rate card will also guide the Committee in determining the level of financial support that can be provided.
If approved, the Host applicant will receive a confirmation letter outlining the next steps to obtain payment and clearly outlining that funding is contingent on the following: