The City of North Bay, in partnership with Sellebration Productions, transforms the Kiwanis Bandshell into an outdoor theatre. These free Family Movie Nights in the Park are a chance for your family to spend time together and enjoy an outdoor movie expereince. The movie will be on a large, outdoor screen with concert quality sound. Bring a lawn chair, blanket, and snacks.
In the occurrence of rain or thundershowers the event will be rescheduled.
• Movies are free to attend.
• Pre-registration is not required.
• For your seating comfort, please bring your own lawn chairs and blankets
August 03
8:30 p.m.
Kiwanis Bandshell
September 2
8:30 p.m.
Omischl Sports Complex
The Movie in the Park events would not be possible without generous sponsorship from the business community. If interested, please see the package below.