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Premier Road - Municipal Class EA

The Corporation of the City of North Bay has initiated a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Study to evaluate the Premier Road Sewage Pumping Station and Forcemain (SPS) located in front of 904 Premier Road, on the east side of right-of-way across from the Hollywood Street intersection. The existing Premier Road SPS has reached the end of its useful life, with the wet well, dry well, generator housing and electrical control panel in an advanced stage of deterioration. Also, the pumps and wells are inadequately sized causing the pumps to run frequently, creating operational and maintenance problems. Additionally, there is a safety concern for vehicles colliding with the structure due to the close proximity to the edge of road within the narrow right of way.

In accordance with the requirements for Schedule B projects of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process, preliminary study material for public review are available here, including preliminary preferred alternatives and the preferred option. 


Premier Road SPS and Study Area


The project is being planned in accordance with the planning and design process for Schedule' "B" projects as outlined in the Municipal Engineers Association's Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Guidelines (dated October 2000, as amended in 2007, 2011 & 2015).


The purpose of this notice is to invite public/agency input and to receive stakeholder comments early in the study such that they can be incorporated into the planning and overall study design. Comments should be directed to the City as noted below. A further opportunity for public input and comment will be provided at an upcoming Public Information Center (PIC), during which time the various alternative solutions and assessments of each will be presented. Please watch the City of North Bay website for further details of the PIC including format due to the COVID19 pandemic.


Information will be collected in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. With the exception of personal information, all comments will be become part of the public record.