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Public Notice – Call for Applications North Bay-Mattawa Source Protection Committee Members

March 10, 2025- Call for applications for local drinking water source protection committee – Three (3) Municipal representatives, three (3) economic sector representatives, three (3) general interest representatives, and one (1) First Nations representative from Nipissing First Nation. Appointment will be for a term of up to five years.

The North Bay-Mattawa Drinking Water Source Protection Committee (SPC) is mandated to reduce risk to five local municipal drinking water sources: Callander, Mattawa, North Bay, Powassan, and South River. The SPC achieves this through implementation of an effective, practical, locally developed, and provincially approved Source Protection Plan.


  • Three members represent municipalities
  • Three members represent the economic sector
  • Three members represent interests other than those previously mentioned, in particular: Environment, Health, and other interests of the general public
  • One member may be appointed to reflect the interests of Nipissing First Nation

Appointed Members:

  • Chair, as appointed by the Minister of Environment, Conservation and Parks
  • Liaisons appointed by the North Bay-Parry Sound District Health Unit

As per Ontario Regulation 288/07 (Source Protection Committees), a committee member must reside in, own or rent land in, be employed in, operate a business in, or be employed by a municipality located in the source protection area.

If you are interested in applying to be considered for appointment as an economic sector representative or general interest representative, applications may be submitted directly to the North Bay-Mattawa Source Protection Authority by Friday, April 11, 2025. For more details, visit:

If you are interested in being appointed as a Nipissing First Nation representative, please contact Nipissing First Nation for appointment.

If you are interested in applying to be considered for appointment as a Municipal Representative, contact the municipal Clerk submit a completed application and resume to the Municipality. Municipalities are requested to submit their selections for consideration, together with a copy of the completed application form and resume, to the North Bay-Mattawa Source Protection Authority by Monday, May 12, 2025 with a letter of municipal endorsement.
