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Plans of Subdivision / Condominium

A Plan of Subdivision is a method of dividing land into two or more parcels or lots so that those parcels or lots can be held in separate ownership. The approval process is governed by Section 51 of the Planning Act and includes consideration of where streets, parks and dwellings will be located. The plan must also address servicing issues related to storm and sanitary sewers and protection of natural features such as woodlots or watercourses.

A Plan of Condominium is a method of dividing property so that an individual holds title to a portion of a building, or a "unit", as well as a share of the rest of the property that is common to all the individual unit owners. A Condominium can apply to residential, commercial or industrial properties.

There are a number of different types of Condominiums allowed under the Condominium Act, 1998, as amended.


A subdivision is land that has been divided into multiple lots for the purpose of development. These lots may be developed individually, or as a group. They may be used for a range of uses such as residential, commercial or institutional depending on the designation of the land in the Official Plan and Zoning By-law.

Section 51 of the Planning Act grants the City authority to regulate the division of land through Plans of Subdivision. This authority is used to provide for the orderly servicing and development of large parcels of land in accordance with appropriate municipal regulations and standards. 

Issues that are examined during the review of Plans of Subdivision include whether the land is suitable for the proposed subdivision, the adequacy of utilities, municipal services and school sites and the conservation of natural resources.

Plans of Subdivision will usually include information on new municipal infrastructure (i.e., water and sewer servicing and new roads), lot and block patterns and any park and/or school sites. 

Plans of subdivision are also typically used to create public rights-of-way for municipal services.


A condominium can be a high-rise or low-rise apartment, townhouse, freehold or detached house, office complex or commercial mall – any configuration of buildings you can imagine. What sets a condominium apart is the way in which owners share the ownership of common elements (e.g., parking areas, roads and sidewalks, corridors, lobbies, elevators, heat and electrical systems) while having individual ownership of their own unit. The condominium corporation must pay for the upkeep and maintenance of common elements.

A condominium corporation becomes a legal entity once 1) a plan of condominium [description] and 2) information setting out how the condominium corporation is owned [declaration] are registered with a Land Registry Office. However, only the plan of condominium is subject to approval by the approval authority prior to registration.

The Condominium Act classifies five types of condominium corporations (alone or in combination). These are:

  • Leasehold
  • Freehold, of which there are four types:
    • Common Elements
    • Phased
    • Standard
    • Vacant Land

You should determine which type of condominium corporation you wish to establish before filing your application.

Section 9(2) of the Condominium Act states that an application for condominium is processed in the same way as a Plan of Subdivision under Section 51 of the Planning Act, with necessary modifications. Section 9(2) of the Condominium Act states that an application for condominium is processed in the same way as a Plan of Subdivision under Section 51 of the Planning Act, with necessary modifications.


To ensure the City’s interests are met and to appropriately assess the merits and technical aspects of your proposal, the City requires the submission of a number of items with your application(s).

Effective July 1, 2023, all property owners seeking to apply for an Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment, Plan of Subdivision/Condominium or a Site Plan Control Agreement must submit their proposal for mandatory consultation with the City, it's various departments and partner agencies. The mandatory consultation process will allow City staff to determine what information, reports and technical studies are required to constitute a complete application under the Planning Act. For more information on mandatory pre-consultation, please see the bottom of this webpage. 

Submission requirements

  • Application Fee
  • Application Form
  • Draft Plan of Subdivision / Condominium showing all prescribed information under the Planning Act

Please note that you may also be required to provide:

  • Traffic impact study
  • Environmental impact study
  • Archaeological assessment
  • Stormwater management report(s)
  • Grading plans

For more information, please contact Peter Carello by email ( or by phone (705-474-0400, ext. 2409).

Please Note:

All property owners seeking to apply for an Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment, Plan of Subdivision/Condominium or a Site Plan Control Agreement are recommended to submit their proposal for pre-consultation with the City, it's various departments and partner agencies. The consultation process will allow City staff to determine what information, reports and technical studies are required to constitute a complete application under the Planning Act.

The consultation process is administered by a group of employees known as the Development Application Review Team (DART). DART meets on a bi-weekly basis on Mondays at 1:30 via Zoom.

To have your proposal reviewed by DART, please complete the application form by clicking below and submit it to, along with the necessary attachments. To be included on the DART agenda, all documents must be submitted no later than 12:00PM the Wednesday prior to a DART meeting.

For meeting dates or for further information regarding the consultation process, please contact Peter Carello by email ( or by phone (705-474-0400, ext. 2409).

Pre Consultation Application Form Pre Consultation Process Flowchart Plan of Subdivision and Condominium Application Form

Have Questions?

For more information, please email or call (705) 474-0400 ext. 2414.