The City is responsible for providing essential services and maintaining everyday infrastructure utilized by residents. Through the collection of property taxes and additional revenue, the City is able to fund the delivery of these services while making strategic investments.
Every time you get a book from the library, take a ride on a transit bus, or have your garbage and blue box picked up, you are using a City of North Bay service. City services touch every part of your life. Services funded by the City include:
The City is also responsible for maintaining infrastructure, including equipment and facilities such as arenas and sports fields and the water and wastewater treatment plants. Replacement of core assets alone, including bridges and culverts, roads and the City’s water, sewer and storm systems is estimated to be $2.1 billion. Infrastructure owned and maintained by the City includes:
Below we’ve illustrated where and how the City's $109.9 million tax levy was allocated within the City's 2024 operating budget. This does not include the capital budget or water and wastewater operating budget, which is funded through user rates.
Where Tax Levy Dollars Go | Percentage | |
Corporate Services | 5.4 | |
Engineering & Environmental Services | 1.9 | |
Roads | 9 | |
Fire Services | 13.3 | |
General Government | 8.9 | |
Service Partners | 45.3 | |
Other | 4.6 | |
Parks | 4.1 | |
Transit | 4.5 | |
Economic Development | 0.8 | |
Arenas | 2.3 |