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Additional Dwelling Units (ADUs)

What is an ADU?

An ADU is a dwelling unit that is subordinate to the main dwelling unit on the property. An ADU can be in the main building on the property or in an accessory building (ex. converted detached garage). ADUs are permitted in the following ways:

  • Up to two ADUs are permitted in the primary dwelling as long as there is not also an ADU in an accessory building.
  • One ADU in the primary dwelling and one ADU in an accessory building.
  • Two ADUs are permitted in the Urban Area (for a total of 3 units)
  • One ADU is permitted in the Rural Area (for a total of 2 units).

Helpful Resources

In order to assist property owners with the construction of a new Additional Dwelling Unit (ADU), or going through the process to recognize an existing Additional Dwelling Unit (ADU), the City has prepared some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and a process document to help provide information and explanations about the requirements.

A copy of the Office Consolidation of the City's Zoning By-law 2015-30 is available here.

Financial Incentives

See links below to find out if your ADU project could be eligible for financial incentives through the City of North Bay's Growth Community Improvement Plan (GCIP) and/or the District of Nipissing Housing Services ADU program.

Growth Community Improvement Plan District of Nipissing Housing Services ADU Program

The Government of Ontario passed Bill 23, the More Homes Built Faster Act, on November 28, 2022. This Bill  made a variety of changes to different Acts, including several changes to Ontario's Planning Act

As a result of these changes, the City of North Bay's previous 'Secondary Dwelling Unit' policies were amended for new 'Additional Dwelling Unit (ADU)' policies. These policy changes came into effect in April of 2023. 

It is now possible to have a total of three residential units on properties in the City's Urban Area and a total of two units on properties in the City's Rural Area. Please see the ADU- FAQ document for more information.