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Application Fees

Most permit fees are calculated using either a square footage method or a construction value method. Additional fees may also apply if services from the Zoning/Planning Department or Engineering Department are required.

In addition to the calculated fees below, a Construction Water Fee may apply. If required, this fee is based on the construction value and is calculated at a rate of $1.00 per $1,000 of construction value up to the first $500,000, and $0.25 per $1,000 for any remaining construction value or part thereof.


New Construction:

  • Group “A” Assembly Occupancies - Schools, libraries, theaters, churches, restaurants, etc.
  • Group “B” Institutional Occupancies - Hospitals, nursing homes, care homes, etc.
  • Group “D” Business and Personal Services Occupancies - Offices, banks, medical clinics, etc.
  • Group “E” Mercantile Occupancies - Retail stores, supermarkets, department stores, etc.
  • Group “F” Industrial Occupancies - Warehouses, factories etc

$11.23 per $1,000 of construction value. Minimum fee shall be $765.

Additions, Renovations or Alterations of Group “A”, “B”, “D”, “E” or “F” 

$11.23 per $1,000 of construction value. Minimum fee shall be $765.

New Construction:

  • Group “C” Residential Occupancies - Single family dwellings, semi-detached dwellings, duplexes, apartments, hotels, motels, etc.

$1.36 per square foot of finished gross floor area

Renovations/Alterations to  Group “C” 

$11.23 per $1,000 of construction value. Minimum fee shall be $765

Group “C” Residential - Garages, carports, accessory buildings, etc.

$190.00 flat fee

Addition to Group "C"

$1.36 per square foot of finished gross floor area Minimum fee shall be $765.

New Construction of Farm Buildings

$2,732 for buildings up to 10,000 ft2 and $0.25/ft2 for buildings with a floor area over 10,000 ft2

Additions to Farm Buildings 

$683 for buildings up to 10,000 ft2 and $0.25/ft2 for buildings with a floor area over 10,000 ft2

Staged Permits:

  1. Excavation and Foundation Stage
  2. Structural and Architectural Stage
  3. Mechanical and Electrical Stage

Permit fees associated with the entire construction project shall be collected prior to the first stage of a staged permit being issued.

The permit fee will be collected for each of the three staged permits


Fees for temporary tents and air supported structures


Demolition permit


Minor amendments to permits


Change of Use Permit where no construction is required


To authorize partial occupancy of building or occupancy of a partially completed building


To construct a fence


Blasting permit


Transfer of permit


Miscellaneous request for inspection under City By-Laws


Re-inspections on interior of final inspections where the work is not complete for the requested inspection



Have Questions?

For more information, please email or call (705) 474-0400 ext. 2415.