Services & Payments
Access information about the service you need all right here.
Grow your business in North Bay.
City Government
Information about the City's Governance such as Organization Structure, Council Meetings, Budgets and Financial Reports and more.
Our Community
Information about our community, the activities that happen here, and facilities that support it.
Provincial Offences/Infractions provinciales
Information about Provincial Offences, including options and payments./Renseignements sur les infractions provinciales, y compris les options et les paiements.
Disclosure Requests/Demandes de preuve
Learn how to make a disclosure request Comment faire une demande de preuve
In Person or Virtual Court Appearances via Zoom
Court appearances for the North Bay POA court can now be conducted in person or virtually using the ZOOM platform.
Comparutions en personne ou virtuelles
Les comparutions devant la Cour des infractions provinciales de North Bay peuvent être en personne ou en utilisant la plateforme ZOOM.
Canada Post Strike Notice
Avis de grève à Postes Canada