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Planning Services

Planning Services is responsible for all land use, policy and development activities for the City, including:

To learn more about the processes involved and which might be right for you, take a look at our Development Handbook.

Sample of Policy Development

Trout Lake Study 

The Trout Lake Watershed and Management Study (Trout Lake Study for short) was initiated as a comprehensive review of lake quality and the review of current policies and provisions around the protection and management of Trout Lake. A comprehensive study has not occurred since 1992. 

In total, the study provides 28 recommendations to improve current practices and ultimately protect the health of the lake. 

For more information, visit 

Downtown Waterfront Master Plan

The Downtown Waterfront Master Plan (DWMP) capitalizes on ways to improve connections between the downtown and the waterfront. By reflecting North Bay's Indigenous history in meaningful ways and creating new centres of activity, a vibrant downtown & waterfront can be maintained year round.  

The redevelopment proposed in the Downtown Waterfront Master Plan will be implemented over the long term. It is to be expected that future projects will not precisely follow the concept plan but will evolve to meet the needs of the City and the study area over time.

Individual projects in the plan have been categorized in immediate, short, medium and long term phases.

For more information, visit 

City of North Bay Official Plan  

The city's Official Plan is the policy document that guides the municipality’s land use objectives and goals to direct future growth and development. The policies in the Official Plan are intended to balance the inter-relationships among environmental, economic and social factors in planning to enhance the quality of life of for the citizens of North Bay.

These policies are related to land uses, heritage, culture, the natural environment, transportation and infrastructure. The city’s Official Plan is also used to guide the development of municipal services and programs. The Official Plan reflects a community vision for future change and development.

For more information, visit 

Additional Dwelling Unit (ADU) Policy 

An ADU is a dwelling unit that is subordinate to the main dwelling unit on the property. An ADU can be in the main building on the property or in an accessory building (ex. converted detached garage). ADUs are permitted in the following ways:

  • Up to two ADUs are permitted in the primary dwelling as long as there is not also an ADU in an accessory building.
  • One ADU in the primary dwelling and one ADU in an accessory building.
  • Two ADUs are permitted in the Urban Area (for a total of 3 units)
  • One ADU is permitted in the Rural Area (for a total of 2 units).

For more information, visit 

Short-Term Rental (STRs) Policy 

A STR is the rental of a residential dwelling unit (either the entire dwelling or individual rooms) for a period 28 consecutive days or less. STRs can be in any housing type (single detached, secondary units, apartments and condos) as long as all applicable requirements are met.

The goals of STR regulation in the City of North Bay are:

  • Protect long-term housing availability
  • Protect health & safety
  • Minimize neighbourhood incompatibility issues & protect the character of existing neighbourhoods

For more information, visit 

Production Studio Policy 

The City of North Bay continues to experience steady growth of the film and television industry. The film industry is evolving and, as part of the city’s attraction and retention efforts, the city is always seeking new ways to recognize market demand and support growth.

In the year 2023, Staff proactively proposed  an update to Zoning By-Law No. 2015-30 to allow for and encourage the creation of dedicated production space.

What is the Offcial Plan? 

The city's Official Plan is the policy document that guides the municipality’s land use objectives and goals to direct future growth and development. The policies in the Official Plan are intended to balance the inter-relationships among environmental, economic and social factors in planning to enhance the quality of life of for the citizens of North Bay.

These policies are related to land uses, heritage, culture, the natural environment, transportation and infrastructure. The city’s Official Plan is also used to guide the development of municipal services and programs. The Official Plan reflects a community vision for future change and development.

To learn more about the City of North Bay's Official Plan, visit 

Zoning By-law

The City is divived into zones, where different land uses are permitted. These zones are set out in Zoning By-law No. 2015-30. 

For more informaton, visit 

Sign By-law

If you run a business, corporation, or institution you will probably want to advertise and/or identify your business with a sign or signs. It is recommended that you review Sign By-law to determine if the sign you want to display requires a permit.

For more information, visit 

Site Plan Control (SPC)

Site Plan Control is an important means of encouraging well-designed functional and accessible development. This involves the City and commenting agencies reviewing plans that show the location, design and massing of buildings, the relationship to adjacent streets and buildings, public access areas, the layout of parking and service areas, site landscaping and other aspects of the development.

For more information, visit 

Under construction 

Related Information
Robyn Jackowski
Administrative Assistant, Planning Services (705) 474-0400 x.2414
Beverley Hillier
Manager, Planning & Building Services (705) 474-0400 x.2403
Adam Curran
Policy & Business Development Planner, MAAC Staff Liaison (705) 474-0400 x.2402
Elizabeth Courville
Zoning Administrator (705) 474-0400 x.2401
Joel Therrien
Special Projects Development Planner (705) 474-0400 x.2404
Brent Kalinowski
Community Safety & Well-Being Coordinator (705) 474-0400 x.2316