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Civic Petitions

Citizens have a right to petition their elected representatives and these are one of the various ways the public can bring grievances or concerns to the attention of City Council. A petition is a written request signed by citizens that asks City Council to do something within their power (jurisdiction) about a particular issue. Instead of many people writing individual letters to Council, it is much easier to create a petition. Even when a petition does not result in an immediate or obvious resolution, petitions are important because they communicate your opinion to City Council and other citizens.

Is a petition a “public” document?

Personal information on this form is collected under the legal authority of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended. The information is collected and maintained for the purpose of creating a record that is available to the general public pursuant to Section 27 of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

Should you petition

Petitioning City Council may not always be your first course of action. Operational or Administrative matters are sometimes best resolved by appropriate City staff. We encourage the communication on your topic with the responsible department to ensure that you have the most recent topical information.

Who can petition

Anyone who is at least 18 years old and a resident of the City of North Bay, including businesses and unincorporated associations where the majority of the membership consists of City residents, may petition Council.

Rules governing petitions

At a minimum, a petition must contain the following:

  • A statement of purpose. This statement of purpose must be repeated at the top of each page.
  • The signatures of a least two citizens currently residing in the City of North Bay
  • The local addresses of each citizen signing the petition.
  • The name of a spokesperson (or “principal petitioner”) including their mailing address, street address and telephone number.
  • The subject of any petition must be a matter over which Council has the power to act. In other words, the topic must be a municipal responsibility rather than a Provincial or Federal matter.

Preparing a petition

The “principal petitioner” or “spokesperson” is the person who has initiated or organized the petition on behalf of citizens, businesses or organizations. If the petition is from a business or organization (unincorporated body), then a duly authorized officer of the business or organization should sign the front page of the petition on behalf of the business or organization. That person’s position within the organization (i.e. owner, president, secretary, treasurer, etc.) should also be included. This person will be the main contact for the petition. Ensure that the spokesperson’s name is clearly printed and that their mailing address, street address (if it differs) and their telephone number are provided. Please include a daytime telephone number where the spokesperson can be reached between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. You may also wish to include the spokesperson’s fax number and an e-mail address.

Petitions must:

  • be in English
  • be addressed to City Council
  • ask City Council to take some action on the subject matter or concern of the petition,
  • identify the principal petitioner or spokesperson,
  • include the signature and local address of each petitioner.

Do not attach letters, affidavits or other documents to the petition.

Collecting signatures

A petition requires a minimum of two signatures to be accepted.

Submitting the Petition

Forward your Petition to the City Clerk, 200 McIntyre Street East, North Bay ON  P1B 8V6


by placing it in the overnight drop box at City Hall (left side while facing entrance)

Related Information
Karen McIsaac, AMCT
City Clerk (705) 474-0400 x.2510
Véronique Hie
Deputy City Clerk 705-474-0626 x 2522