Services & Payments
Access information about the service you need all right here.
Grow your business in North Bay.
City Government
Information about the City's Governance such as Organization Structure, Council Meetings, Budgets and Financial Reports and more.
Our Community
Information about our community, the activities that happen here, and facilities that support it.
Graffiti & Litter
Report graffiti or litter of city properties.
Report a problem about a parking meter or ticket.
Filing a Claim
Instruction on how to file a claim with the City
Report a problem with our roads such as potholes, snow removal complaints, sidewalk damage, traffic light malfunctions, street lights burnt out, flooding etc.
Waste Collection
Report a problem or concern about your garbage or recycling collection.
Water & Sewer
Report a problem with your water or service such as poor water pressure, no water, bad color or smell or a problem with your sewer system such as flooding.
Zoning Infraction
Request an investigation into a zoning infraction.
Complaints & Suggestions
Submit a complaint and/or suggestion to the City of North Bay
Discarded Sharps
If you find a sharp (needle, syringe), or other drug paraphernalia in a public place.