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Common By-Laws

Name Number Description
Accessible Parking By-Law 2021-49 Being a By-Law to Establish a System of Accessible Parking and to Regulate Accessible Parking On-Street and Off-Street
Anti-Littering By-Law 2006-028 Prohibition on Throwing, Placing or Depositing Refuse or Debris on any Land in the City without Consent
City Maintained Roads & Streets By-Law 2002-133 Confirming Roads and Streets Maintained by the City
Clean Yards By-Law 2022-28 Being a By-Law to Establish Standards Respecting Exterior Property Maintenance and Grass Control on Lands within the City of North Bay and to Repeal By-Law 2011-185.
Comprehensive Zoning By-Law 2015-030 Adopting the City's Comprehensive Zoning By-Law (Repeals 28-80)
Consultation By-Law 2023-51 Being a By-Law to Require Applicants to Consult with The Corporation of the City of North Bay Prior to the Submission of a Development Application (Consultation By-Law).
Dog Owners By-Law 1988-074 Regulating Owners of Dogs (Stoop and Scoop)
Fence & Swimming Pool By-Law 2002-105 Regulating Fences and Requiring Fences Around Swimming Pools
Fire Route By-Law 2007-091 Establishing Fire Routes (Repeals 114-86)
Municipal Parking Lot By-Law 2011-234 Regulating Parking in Municipal Parking Lots (Repeals 2007-90)
No Idling By-Law 2009-134 A By-Law to prohibit the idling of vehicles within 100 metres of any school or municipal building.
Noise By-Law 2014-053 Controlling Noise (Repeal 1976-142)
On-Street Parking By-Law 2014-037 Regulating/Prohibiting On-Street Parking in the City (Repeals 2002-001)
Private Property Parking By-Law 2016-040 Regulating Parking on Private Property in the City (Repeals 201-90)
Procedural By-Law 2019-80 Governing the Calling, Place & Proceeding of Meetings (Repeals 2017-01 & 2018-02)
Prohibit the Feeding of Pigeons 2023-31 Being a By-Law to Prohibit the Feeding of Pigeons in the City of North Bay .
Property Standards & Vital Services By-Law 2022-27 Being a By-Law to Provide Property Standards and Vital Services for the Management of the Physical Condition and Occupancy of Property within the City of North Bay and to Repeal By-Law 1999-06.
Purchasing By-Law 2013-200 Purchasing By-law (and to Repeal By-law No. 2004-196, as amended).
Regulate, Govern & Prohibit the Operation of Motorize Snow Vehicles in the City of North Bay 2021-53 Being a By-Law to Regulate, Govern and Prohibit the Operation of Motorized Snow Vehicles in the City of North Bay
Sewer Use By-Law 2002-112 Regulating Chemical/Physical Characteristics of Water & Wastewater Discharges to a Sewer/Storm Sewer in the City (Repeals 1993-85)
Sign By-Law 2006-143 Restrict and Regulate Signs & Other Advertising Devices, including Posting of Notices on Public Property
Smoking in Public Places By-Law 2012-097 Regulating Smoking in Public Places and Workplaces in the City (Repeals 2003-05)
Snow Deposit By-Law 2019-85 Amending Sections 1, 2 & 3 of 1996-31 Snow Deposit By-Law Prohibiting the Deposit of Snow on Any City Highway or Bridge
Tax Rates By-Law 2020-41 Setting the 2020 Tax Rates & Levy 2020 Taxes
Tax Ratios By-Law 2020-40 Setting the 2020 Tax Ratios and Prescribed Property Classes
Traffic By-Law 2014-038 Regulating/Prohibiting Certain Traffic Within the City (Repeals 2002-001)
Use of Public Parks By-Law 1996-035 Regulating the Use of Public Parks Within the City (Repeals 106-81)
User Fees for City Departments 2023-02 Being a By-Law to Authorize Use Fees for City Departments.
User Fees for North Bay Fire and Emergency Services 2023-03 User Fees for North Bay Fire and Emergency Services
Vacant Buildings By-Law 2022-29 Being a By-Law to Regulate Vacant Buildings.
Waste Management By-Law 2010-108 Regulating the Disposal of Garbage by way of Landfill , Recycling and Home Composting Systems (Repeals 2009-56)
Water & Wastewater 2021 Rates By-Law 2020-81 Establishing 2021 Rates or Charges for the Supply of Water & Wastewater Distribution for Domestic, Commercial & Manufacturing Use