North Bay, ON – May 14, 2021 – The City of North Bay will soon be installing its first bike box at the intersection of Main Street West, Memorial Drive and Murray Street
North Bay, ON – May 7, 2021 – Teranorth Construction & Engineering Limited is set to begin the final phase of the reconstruction of the Highway 11/17 and Seymour Street Intersection, resulting in some traffic disruption over the next several weeks.
North Bay, ON – May 6, 2021 – Due to severe weather in Texas last month, numerous chemical producing facilities that feed into the supply chain for traffic paint were damaged. As a result, several key raw material suppliers have indicated they will not be able to fulfill orders on time.
North Bay, ON – May 3, 2021 – The City of North Bay, in collaboration with community partners, is pleased to announce the launch of the Community Safety and Well-Being Plan (CSWBP) survey. North Bay’s CSWBP is a coordinated effort to foster a safe, healthy and inclusive community by responding to identified priority risks.
North Bay, ON – April 30, 2021 – The reconstruction of Carriage Crescent is expected to resume starting May 3, with work scheduled to be completed by June 30, 2021.
North Bay, ON – April 29, 2021 – The temporary closure of Cassells Street, between Fourth and Fifth avenues, will be extended until end of day today to allow for the completion of works related to a nearby development. Additionally, Fifth Avenue, between Cassells and Fraser streets will be closed this afternoon until Friday at 5 p.m.
North Bay, ON – April 28, 2021 – Cassells Street, between Fourth and Fifth avenues, will remain closed today until 5 p.m. for works related to a nearby development. Additionally, Fifth Avenue, between Cassells and Fraser streets will be closed starting Thursday at 8 a.m. until Friday 5 p.m.
North Bay, ON – April 27, 2021 – The City of North Bay would like to advise the public that the intersection at Main Street West, Memorial Drive and Murray Street has been temporarily closed as part of the West Link multi-use pathway project.
North Bay, ON – April 22, 2021 – The City of North Bay will soon begin installation of a new watermain on Lakeshore Drive between Clifford Street and Marshall Avenue as part of ongoing waterworks upgrading in the area.
North Bay, ON – April 20, 2021 – The City of North Bay’s upcoming Goods Exchange Day scheduled for April 24 will be postponed until after the province-wide Stay-at-Home order now in effect has been lifted. Once determined, a new date will be posted to our website and social channels.
North Bay, ON – April 19, 2021 – Please be advised that the contractor for the Cassells Street Reconstruction Project will be working tonight to install sewers on Cassells Street between Shaw and Drew streets from 7 p.m. until 7 a.m. the following morning.
North Bay, ON – April 15, 2021 – North Bay’s Public Art Committee and the City of North Bay would like to announce the launch of the 2021 Digital Traffic Box Initiative. The deadline for submissions is May 30, 2021.
North Bay, ON – April 14, 2021 – Reconstruction at the intersection of Main Street West, Memorial Drive, Murray Street and Oak Street is anticipated to start Monday April 19, 2021 and is tentatively scheduled for completion by July, 2021.
April 9, 2021 - North Bay Fire & Emergency Services: With the warm weather upon us North Bay Fire and Emergency Services are receiving numerous requests about Recreational Open Air Burning Permits.
North Bay, ON – April 7, 2021 – The North Bay Municipal Heritage Committee is pleased to announce the 2021 Youth Engagement Photography Contest for youth aged 18 and under.
North Bay, ON – April 1, 2021 – Reconstruction of Cassells Street is set to resume starting April 6 and is tentatively scheduled for completion by the end of July, 2021.
North Bay, ON – March 31, 2021 – The City of North Bay has closed the King’s Landing wharf to vehicular traffic as a precautionary measure following recent ice pileup from Lake Nipissing. The closure will remain in effect for the next several weeks pending a detailed structural analysis which can only be done once the ice has melted. The wharf remains open to pedestrian traffic.
North Bay, ON – March 29, 2021 – The City of North Bay expects to repave 37 sections of roadways and five sections of pathways as part of its resurfacing program this year.
North Bay, ON – March 24, 2021 – The City of North Bay is introducing a property tax hardship program to assist residents who may be impacted as the COVID-19 pandemic continues.