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Development Charges

Development Charges

A Development Charge is generally payable on the date a building permit is issued and is based on the development charge schedule in force on that date (rate shown below).  The rates as shown in the charts below may be adjusted annually on January 1, each year, without amendment to By-Law 2019-72 in accordance with the most recent twelve month change in Statistics Canada Quarterly, “Construction Price Statistics” provided that the change exceeds 1 per cent.  The first adjustment to the Development Charges may be made on January 1, 2020.

Residential (per dwelling unit)


Detached & Semi- Detached (equal to or greater than 1,500 sq. ft.)

Entry Level Detached  & Semi- Detached(1,200 sq. ft. or less)

Detached & Semi-Detached (greater than 1,200 sq. ft. but less than 1,500 sq. ft.)

Rows & Other Multiples


Dwellings Rural Areas

October 2, 2024 to October 10 , 2029 $9,814 $0 $4,907 $4,838 $2,797 $3,878

* Entry level is considered a detached or semi-detached unit that has a gross floor area of 1,200 ftor less.

Non-Residential (per square foot of gross floor area)



Per sq. ft. of

Gross Floor Area (Rural)


Per sq. ft. of

Gross floor Area (Serviced)

October 2, 2024 to October 10, 2029



* Industrial development shall not be subject to a Development Charge.

Treasurer’s Statement:

The City Treasurer prepares an annual statement regarding the use of development charges funds and sets out the balance in each of the development charges reserves.

Copies of By-Law and Treasurer’s Statement:

The By-Law is available on the City’s website.  Copies of the Development Charges By-Law as well as the Treasurer’s Statement are available from the Clerk’s Department on the 5th floor of City Hall, 200 McIntyre Street E., North Bay, ON, P1B 8V6.

The Development Charges Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c. 27, enables a Municipality to pass By-Laws for the imposition of Development Charges against new development.  Development Charges are fees paid by new development to fund the capital costs of services constructed throughout the City.  Development Charge rates must reflect current programs and future anticipated capital needs.  Development Charges apply to all land within the City of North Bay.  By-law 2019-72, A By-law to Establish Development Charges for The Corporation of the City of North Bay, was passed by Council October 8, 2019.  Subsequently, By-law 2022-36, A By-Law to Amend By-law 2019-72 to Establish Development Charges for The Corporation of the City of North Bay, was passed by Council on June 1, 2022. In addition, By-law 2024-69 was passed on October 1, 2024 to extend the expiry date of By-law 2019-72 to October 10, 2029.

The purpose of Development Charges is to assist in financing development related capital costs to provide important services such as roads, water and wastewater services, police, fire and transit.  Development charges only pay for the initial capital cost of major development-related services.  They do not pay for ongoing operating costs or lifecycle renewal costs.

The principle behind Development Charges is that “growth pays for growth” so that the cost of growth is placed on the new development itself.  When capital costs associated with new development are not recovered through the imposition of Development Charges, the result is competing resources for development related costs and infrastructure renewal which could lead to changes in service levels; and/or increasing costs placed on existing residents and businesses in the form of higher property taxes and/or water and wastewater user fees.

Development Charges are collected in respect of the following services:

  • Roads and Related
  • Water
  • Sanitary Sewer
  • Public Works
  • Protection Services (Fire and Police)
  • Parks and Recreation Services
  • Transit

Development Charges By-Law 2019-72 applies to all lands within the City of North Bay subject to certain exceptions.  The By-Law does not apply to land that is owned by and used for the purpose of:

  • A Board of Education
  • Any Municipality or Local Board thereof
  • A place of worship exempt under s.3 of the Assessment Act, S.O. 1990, c. A.31, as may be amended
  • Universities and colleges exempt under s.3 of the Assessment Act
  • A public hospital under the Public Hospitals Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.40, as may be amended
  • Non-Profit Housing and Group Homes
  • Industrial Uses

Exemptions regarding the intensification of existing dwellings are outlined in Section 5 of By-Law 2019-72.

A supplementary Development Charge as set out on Schedule “C” to By-law 2019-72 shall also be payable on the lands in the Cedar Heights Area as shown on Schedule E to By-law 2019-72 for the development or redevelopment of land in such area.