The City of North Bay's winter control maintenance is conducted in accordance with the Minimum Maintenance Standard of Ontario. Plowing begins when there is an accumulation of five centimetres, or two inches, of snow on major arterial and collector roads. City standards specify that up to eight centimetres, or three inches, of snow may be allowed to accumulate on local residential and commercial areas, and up to 10 centimretres, or four inches, on rural roads before resources are deployed. In accordance with the provincial standard,the City does not include winter maintenance of parking spaces on City streets. Maintenance of these spaces is second in priority to road maintenance and will be completed as time permits.
Roadways are cleared during a snowfall to reduce motorist and pedestrian hazards in accordance with the guidelines set out under the Minimum Maintenance Standard of Ontario. Depending on the severity of the weather event, it could take between 16 and 24 hours to complete the clearing of residential roadways after the snow has stopped falling.
Road plowing priorities and standards during normal winter conditions are:
In accordance with the guidelines set out under the Minimum Maintenance Standard of Ontario, all sidewalks are to be cleared 48 hours after an event where the accumulation is eight centimetres (three inches) or greater.
Sidewalk plowing priorities during a typical winter event are: